5 things to quit if you want to be more productive


Are you doing these things that are actually slowing down your workflow? You may have heard about the things you “should” do to become more productive, but have you considered there are a few things you can actually stop doing to make more progress toward your goals.

In this post we will cover: 

  • How multitasking can actually slow you down, and what to do instead

  • How motivation really isn’t the key to get more done, and what is

  • And, 5 things you can quit to become more productive

Productivity tip #1: Stop multitasking

Doing more doesn’t make you more productive. Let’s say that again for the busy people in the back: doing more doesn’t make you more productive. Instead of multitasking, focus your attention on the one thing that will make the biggest impact toward your goals. Take it one step at a time. Studies suggest that when you multitask you actually decrease your productivity by 40% Because when you switch from one task to another you actually make it more difficult to tune out distractions and this slows down your cognitive processes or your thinking process. 

Productivity tip #2: Stop trying to make everything perfect

Perfectionism is procrastination in disguise. It’s a sneaky way of self sabotaging your results. The best way to create results is to take action and perfectionism prevents you from putting out your first attempt sooner or even at all. You’ll often need feedback on that first attempt to learn, improve, and put out the next attempt. So don’t slow your progress down with perfectionism. Ask yourself what perfectionism is telling you too - what’s really behind it? Oftentimes it’s fear of failure which brings us to the next point.

Productivity tip #3: Stop worrying about all the “what if’s”

Get out of your own way. Worrying about the what if’s will only slow you down or stop you in your tracks. First, get clear on your desired outcome. Second, be open to possibilities that bring your goals forward. Even with the best laid plans, things can sometimes have a way of playing out differently and that is okay. Stay certain of your desired outcome and use that as a guide to take aligned action, even when the path to get there may look a little different than planned. 

Productivity tip #4: Stop waiting to feel motivated

Motivation doesn’t create your results, your actions do. The key here is to take consistent action. Maybe you’re familiar with Newton’s law: an object in motion stays in motion. The same can be said for taking action on your goals. If you just start and take consistent action you’ll create momentum, create results, and more often than not motivation will follow. Think about it, one year from now would you like to look back on all the excuses or procrastination on why you didn’t do the things you most wanted to do. Or would you like to look back and see how far you’ve come. Just start. 

Productivity tip #5: Stop saying yes to everything (and everyone)

You have to really filter and prioritize where you spend your time and energy in order to be productive on the things that are moving your goals forward. The simple truth is that your time is a finite resource. Spend it on the things that will create results toward your goals. Creating boundaries isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. 

The main takeaway here is this, you can take a few proactive steps to become more productive and minimize distractions. It all starts with making a few simple choices and staying committed to your goals. With productivity, less is more - focus on the things that will create the greatest impact.

And when you’re ready to take the next step toward sustainable, scalable growth in your business here are a few ways I can help…

1. Apply to join the Upscale Accelerator >> Inside the Upscale Accelerator, I help coaches, service providers, and experts with marketing, sales, and program design so that they can serve an unlimited number of clients, uncap their income, and make the massive impact they know their meant for. If you want to create a consistent, scalable flow of clients into your business and you don’t want to burnout in the process, then apply here to get access to my free, private training and learn more about the Upscale Accelerator.

2. Jump inside the free community on Facebook >> The Upscale Community is the place where coaches, service providers and experts like yourself can be in community, join live masterclasses, and access exclusive resources to help you grow a business and lifestyle you love. Join now, our next LIVE workshop is happening soon.

3. Get the blueprint >> The Upscale Offer Blueprint is the step-by-step system that helps experts in any niche package, position, and promote a high ticket signature offer with the confidence and clarity that attracts dream clients like clockwork.  

As always, I'm here to help you hit your goals on repeat. Have a question about working together? Just send me a DM at anastasianaftalieva.co and I'll get right back to you.


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