5 Ways to Overcome Any Setback as an Entrepreneur


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from a negative experience, adapt, and problem solve with a growth mindset instead of internalizing failures. Studies have shown that the single most important factor to a person's success in life and their career is their ability to be resilient when faced with failures. In her well received book and viral TED talk, University of Pennsylvania psychology professor and 2013 MacArthur Fellow Angela Duckworth concluded in her research that “grit” (or, resilience) was a better predictor of success than IQ or conscientiousness.

Building a resilient mindset is especially important when it comes to entrepreneurship. All successful business owners go through a number of failures before they see success. The key difference between those who accomplish their goals and those who don't is one key thing. Call it persistence, grit, or resilience - either way, it is essential. Here are 5 ways to build your resilient mindset and keep going even when you face a setback in your business.  

See Silver Linings

Every situation is business is one you can learn from, successes and setbacks. If you can approach setback with the mindset of treating them as lessons, each one can bring you closer to reaching your goals. When you ask, “What can I learn from this?” you might find new knowledge, new insights, gaps in strategy, opportunities to pivot. You will also flex your resilience muscle as an entrepreneur and build up your confidence in knowing you can handle a challenge and overcome it. With this, you are much more likely to be able to keep building on your strengths as an entrepreneur. 

Treat every “set back” as an opportunity to learn 

“Setbacks” may be inevitable as an entrepreneur. Part of being a resilient entrepreneur is examining exactly how and why an attempt doesn’t meet your expected result, then coming up with new and improved approaches to problem-solving based on your new feedback, data, and knowledge from the experience. A product launch that doesn’t meet your expectations, for example, can even turn into a fun and exciting challenge to iterate and create the product that fits all your ideal client’s needs. 

Your value is not attached to your outcomes

It is important to remember not to see yourself as a failure when you are faced with a setback in your business. Your value as an entrepreneur is not attached to the outcomes of your business efforts.  

Don't Give Up

Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times before becoming the director of countless classic films that we know him as today. Oprah Winfrey was rejected from her first job at a TV news station, and now she is one of the most successful women ever to work in media. The single most important aspect of building resilience, and therefore your chances of success as an entrepreneur, is simply to keep trying. Yes, the strategies matter, and you probably won't get anywhere by making the same mistakes over and over without going back to improve upon your tactics, but at the core, nothing would be possible if you don't try!

Believe me, I know that sometimes it can be hard to not lose hope of success in the face of a setback. The bottom line is this: the most important thing you can do is just to keep showing up. Keep doing the work. Keep going after your goals. This alone puts you ahead of all the others who've already given up.

And, when you’re ready to take the next step to grow your business, here is how I can help…

1. Apply to join the Upscale Accelerator >> Inside the Upscale Accelerator, I help coaches, service providers, and experts with marketing, sales, and program design so that they can serve an unlimited number of clients, uncap their income, and make the massive impact they know their meant for. If you want to create a consistent, scalable flow of clients into your business and you don’t want to burnout in the process, then apply here to get access to my free, private training and learn more about the Upscale Accelerator.

2. Jump inside the free community on Facebook >> The Upscale Community is the place where coaches, service providers and experts like yourself can be in community, join live masterclasses, and access exclusive resources to help you grow a business and lifestyle you love. Join now, our next LIVE workshop is happening soon.

3. Get the blueprint >> The Upscale Offer Blueprint is the step-by-step system that helps experts in any niche package, position, and promote a high ticket signature offer with the confidence and clarity that attracts dream clients like clockwork.  

As always, I'm here to help you hit your goals on repeat. Have a question about working together? Just send me a DM at anastasianaftalieva.co and I'll get right back to you.


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