3 Ways to Make Time for Self Care as a Working Mom
Between growing a family and a business, finding time for yourself can be a challenge.
Yet, taking time for your self-care is exactly the secret to ditch burnout, do your best work, and have more time and energy to do what you love.
According to the Mayo Clinic, if burnout or sustained stress goes unaddressed a person can experience fatigue, excessive stress, lower job performance and other negative physical and mental wellbeing effects. In other words, if you don’t take a break your body will do it for you and that’s not the type of downtime you want in your business or family life.
The better way? Take care of business while taking care of you.
Here are 3 ways to make time in your busy schedule for self-care as a work-from-home mom:
Embrace White Space
Schedule white space into your day and make it non-negotiable. An easy place to start is by blocking a 15 minute break into your day to do something that isn't work related. If your days are usually packed with meetings, instead schedule 5 minute breaks between. Make this a habit and over time you might find that you come back to your work with more clarity to find a creative solution and renewed focus to get a task done.
Do What Recharges You
What does a self-care work break look like? You might step away from your work for a quick fresh air break outdoors. You could listen to a 10-minute podcast, TED talk, or playlist that uplifts your mood. Remember, self-care includes your mental, physical, emotional, and social needs. Especially if you’re working from home, make it a habit to schedule catch-up calls with a coach, mentor or business bestie. A regular check-in with an accountability partner will not only increase your likelihood of following through on your goals, having a trusted partner to bounce your ideas off of can be far more supportive than going it alone.
Set Work Hours
Set and limit your work hours and stick to that. Then, set that expectation at work and at home. Knowing exactly when your work hours are open will let your colleagues and clients know when you’re most responsive, and eliminate any off-hours “urgent” requests. You will also be better able to set boundaries at home around when you are available or when you have uninterrupted work hours. Yes there may be a mountain of things to do, but is climbing the mountain all at once a good idea? Sometimes the best strategy is to work at a sustainable pace rather than rush to the finish - especially if it’s compromising your time or energy.
Promised 3 tips here, but here’s a bonus because it’s super important:
Simple Daily Routines
One of the keys to making self care a regular habit is to keep your routines simple. If you’re short on time, set realistic expectations about self care routines that will fit into your daily lifestyle. A simple 10-minute morning routine or end of day wind down routine might be the perfect fit and one you can hold yourself accountable to. If you’re looking for ideas on what to include in your routines, grab your copy of the Everyday Self Care Guide below.
The bottom line is this: you are the most important asset to your business, so take the time to care for yourself. Your friends, family and clients will notice it too when you’re showing up more fully present, energized, and happy.
When you’re ready to take the next step to grow your business, here is how I can help…
1. Apply to join the Upscale Accelerator >> Inside the Upscale Accelerator, I help coaches, service providers, and experts with marketing, sales, and program design so that they can serve an unlimited number of clients, uncap their income, and make the massive impact they know their meant for. If you want to create a consistent, scalable flow of clients into your business and you don’t want to burnout in the process, then apply here to get access to my free, private training and learn more about the Upscale Accelerator.
2. Jump inside the free community on Facebook >> The Upscale Community is the place where coaches, service providers and experts like yourself can be in community, join live masterclasses, and access exclusive resources to help you grow a business and lifestyle you love. Join now, our next LIVE workshop is happening soon.
3. Get the blueprint >> The Upscale Offer Blueprint is the step-by-step system that helps experts in any niche package, position, and promote a high ticket signature offer with the confidence and clarity that attracts dream clients like clockwork.
As always, I'm here to help you hit your goals on repeat. Have a question about working together? Just send me a DM at anastasianaftalieva.co and I'll get right back to you.