The Upscale Episode 04: The Power of Accountability
In this episode, I would like to offer you a simple habit that you can put to work to increase your success rate of achieving your goals by 76%. Don't miss this!
Tune-in to this episode to hear:
How accountability can truly be the catalyst to fast-track your goals
3 simple steps to create a high level of accountability towards your goals
Looking to deepen your commitment to your goals and get a higher level of accountability and mentorship? Listen to the end for a special invitation.
Inside the episode:
It's Anastasia here and I am so glad to be back with you on the podcast. As you know, this podcast is all about helping you achieve your breakthrough goals. And with that said, I would like to, in this episode, offer you an exercise that you can put to work that has been proven to increase the success rate of achieving your goals by 76%.
So here's the thing, with a high level of accountability, you can practically guarantee that you will achieve your goals. And it gets even better because creating that high level of accountability can actually be done in a few simple steps if you're willing to commit. And that really is the key part, the three steps I'll share with you in just a minute. But let's talk about commitment. It's what separates the doers from the dreamers. Action steps are actually very simple if you're committed to being an action taker. So if you decide that you are an action taker, and you're unwilling to let all the excuses limiting thoughts or inner distractions, over complications that are truly not serving you, in moving toward your goals, then the next right action is always simple. The next right action is always clear.
So there was a study conducted at the Dominican University. And it found that if you create accountability, in these three steps, you can increase your success rate of achieving your goals by 76%. So let's get you these three steps right now. So you can be on your way to making it happen. So the first step is this, write your goals down. groundbreaking, right? Seriously, though, this is so incredibly important. And yet so many people just skip right over this. Because there's this prevailing thought that, you know, you sit so closely to your goals already, you you know exactly what they are. So you don't really need to document them, they're front and center in your mind. Here's where that goes wrong. However, the downside to it is that by not writing your goals down, you are dedicating precious brain power to simply remembering and recalling what those goals are. So instead, when you write your goals down, you free up space in your mind. So now your brain power can be dedicated to finding solutions to take action, and strategizing to achieve those goals. Also, part of the magic in writing your goals down is that it creates the generation effect. And study after study has shown that you have a greater recall or memory for information that you generate yourself than information that you just passively receive.
Okay, so we have the first step, and it's write your goals down. So step two, is to decide on your action steps. And again, write them down. Now, this isn't about having all of the answers. So don't believe that you need to have an A to Z plan before taking action. And actually, you're probably better off if you don't, if you're flexible in your approach, but remain committed to the outcome, you will be setting yourself up to follow through, even when you're faced with a new challenge. So again, this isn't about having a rigid plan. This is about holding yourself accountable to take action. So just ask yourself, what can I do right now, to get one step closer to my goal or my desired outcome? Then you might ask, what can I do this week? What can I do this month, and so on. So decide on your action steps, and importantly, schedule time for you to implement and take that action and hold yourself accountable to do the work.
Now step three, is really what is going to uplevel everything, and that is to find an accountability partner. So it's one thing to hold yourself accountable. And when you really master that skill, and you start to stack one accomplishment on top of the next because you become very good at following through on the things you hold yourself accountable to you do build confidence in yourself, you build trust in yourself, and you really uphold your integrity as a doer and an action taker.
So listen to how interesting this is. A study from the American Society of training and development found that 65% of people successfully met their goals when they committed to the goal with an accountability partner. And then for those who had a regular accountability, check in with that partner, the success rate went up to 95%.
Okay, so let's recap again, the three simple yet massively powerful steps to help you achieve your goals and really increase your follow through. So first, write your goals down next, commit to the action steps. And finally, find an accountability partner. As always, I hope this serves you. Thank you for tuning in. And I will chat with you in the next episode.
Are you looking for a higher level of accountability to achieve your goals? Learn more about working privately with Anastasia by applying here.